I wrote a bit about this festival and day-long trip in another post. It was a fantastic (if a bit long) day. Here are the pictures.
Walking up the main path.

Posing near a hilltop.

A perfect mountain stream.

Kayla posing.

Kimchi pots, as far as the eye can see.

My shoes. :)

Temple on the mountain top. Jazmin and her family were celebrities, being the first dark-skinned people most of these Koreans had ever seen. (Who knew applying lip gloss was so exciting?)

Vendors on the path down.

Boiled shells. Edible, so I'm told. Salty. You suck whatever is inside, out.

A singing, dancing, clown-painted-faced man selling snacks. He was highly entertaining, but moved much too fast to get a good picture.

Roasted acorn snacks. Who knew that non-squirrels ate them too? I liked the sign on the end... Looks to me like, "Squirrel snacks here!" Haha.

The fierce, dancing adjuma that we danced with, and who kept smacking Kayla's butt. This picture really sums up our experience that day. If I can figure out how to upload Kayla's video of the experience, I will. It's amazing.

The potato vendor at the rest stop. Small, boiled potatoes are surprisingly yummy.

Crab and fish sculpture at the bird sanctuary place.

Nice sign.

Energy-producing bike ride.

Small wind turbine.

Astronomical observatory.

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