When I abruptly left my first job, I couldn't tell my coworkers. I was afraid that they would be blamed for knowing about but not stopping my departure, and I wanted to keep them from needing to lie. I felt so guilty at the time, but I thought that was the best thing to do. After I returned, we were still waiting for several weeks for my visa and new ID card, and there was still a chance that my former boss could stop it from coming through. After all that was finally settled, we were all just busy. So, a year later, we finally got time to meet up again, just in time for my final departure.
It was really great to see her again. I hadn't realized how much I missed her! Catching up was great, and she filled me in on how my "running" had affected the old job and bosses.
So, I guess they found out that I wasn't coming because I was really late. They actually didn't notice, but my co-teachers did. Someone went to my house, and found us and my stuff gone, save a bag of stuff I forgot. They were angry, of course, and blamed my friends, the other teachers. But they didn't know about it, so it was okay, more or less. In the year since I left, they have had FOUR other foreign teachers come AND GO. The most recent girl just "pulled a runner" last month. All of the Korean teachers that I worked there with have gone except for Kate, who will leave next month, in theory.
I was told that each teacher has complained about the amount of work and ridiculousness, and with each teacher it has been reduced. My bosses have now decided that I was the most responsible and hardest working, and they screwed up by treating me so badly. (I think that's a major WIN for me!!!) One of the Korean teachers that started after I left stood up to the boss-man about his incessant shouting at everyone, telling him that we are adults, and there's no reason to shout at everyone all the time.
One of the teachers that I thought would be there forever, Kelly 2, told them that she was moving away, then opened her own academy. Right in front of the apartment complex where my old bosses live. And all of her GnB students quit on the same day, and followed her to her new academy. :D:D:D If that's the biggest F-U I've ever heard of, I don't know what is. I couldn't be more proud of her. :)
All in all, it was delightful to see her again. I wish we had done it sooner, and more often.
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