
The inspiration.

07 November 2010

First Illness of the Season

I was planning to go to Seoul this weekend, but as with every weekend I intend to have fun in Seoul, it was not meant to be. Last week, one of my students was really, really sick, and went downhill during our class. I finally sent him out to ask the manager to call his mom to come pick him up. He's usually somewhat obnoxious in class, but was so sick that he was acting really sweet. He coughed on me while I was trying to comfort him, and I knew I'd wake up sick the next day. Which I did. By Thursday evening, I was rapidly going downhill myself, and by midnight I had a high fever. So, my plan of lunch appointment, Indian/Nepalese cooking lesson, and train to Seoul was scrapped. Although I could've gone and tried to make the best of it, I know too well what overdoing it can do, and I don't much feel like ending up in the hospital, or getting all my friends in Seoul sick too. So instead, I've laid in bed resting for two days, and finally felt good enough today to get some desperately-needed cleaning done. And I disinfected everything I've been touching all week, so maybe by tomorrow I'll actually be all better. Best laid plans. It seems I'm never meant to have a good weekend in Seoul.

I'll reschedule anyway.

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