I love it! Thanks Roberto!

I decided to color it a couple of weeks later, and bought some dark red Korean-brand color. It did not turn out the "Red Wine" color of the picture. More like "Grape Juice". It was unfortunate, but many people liked it.

My manager was understandably concerned, but we have a policy of "hair color/tattoos/piercings, anything goes" at my school, so she knew better than to say anything. The policy was created with the idea that Korean students and parents need to get used to differences before they go out into the rest of the world and are terrified. It's a good theory, but not one I ended to take advantage of by dyeing my hair purple.
My manager was hanging around outside of my first class and I asked her if she wanted to see the kids' reactions to my hair. She said yes, and came in with me. I had told my kids the week before that I would change my hair color coon, so they'd be prepared a little. We walked in, and after 30 seconds of shock, their first comment was, "Teacher, why didn't you make your hair rainbow?" I told my manger I thought they were just fine with it.
What an interesting policy. I think the hair color is great, but I see if you were trying to go with a more natural looking red, I can see why you are not so happy with it.