
The inspiration.

15 September 2010

*Now with 95% fewer worms!

So, the doc said yesterday that I have pin worms, which I mentioned earlier briefly. She said many things, each more gross than the previous. Like how eggs were also found, so the pill tonight will kill mom, and in two weeks, the next pill will kill the babies after they hatch. Ewww. And "don't worry, this kind of worm can only go down. You won't have any coming out of your mouth, eyes, ears, or nose." Uh, thanks. I din't even know that was possible until just now. Even though this "isn't that kind", it doesn't make me feel much better.

However, within 10 minutes of taking the foul-tasting pill last night, I felt tons better. No more stomach rumbling or problems. Dead and dead. I was even able to eat my entire lunch today. It's soooo gross to think of something alive in my stomach and intestines. I guess I wasn't too far off with my quip about feeling like a scene in Alien. It just wasn't an alien trying to get out.

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