When we made it into Daegu Tower, we saw a sign for the aquarium. We wanted to see the view from the observation deck at the top, but decided to go ahead and see the aquarium on our way. I think the price for the auarium is usually 8,000 won, but to get us to go in, then gave us a deal of 5,000 won each. I was a bit disappointed overall. I realize that I've been spoiled since birth, as the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium is one of the best in the country, but this one was just dank and dirty. I felt sorry for the animals, who were in small enclosures (the land animals) and dirty aquariums. It was really unfortunate. I don't think I would recommend seeing this place, actually.

Vivien and her friend.


Cool coral.

Big ass fish.

Huge catfish-looking thing.

There was a very large tank (not nearly big enough) with 4 or 5 small sharks swimming in circles. It was hard to get a picture. Damn movement burring my shot...

This tank is adorned with monuments of various ancient cultures. All together. In one tank. Odd.

Giant clam shells.

A two-butted turtle. Just kidding.

This would have been very cool if it were real. They are lighted and pushed around by a fan.

Why a hedgehog is present in an aquarium, I don't know. Cute though.

Vivien used her sunglasses to make the penguins interact. She thought it was hilarious that they followed the glasses with their heads.

A giant fish skeleton, dried and disgusting. Apparently it would use it enormous pointed teeth to eat just about anything. Thank god its kind died out ions ago.

But this was the most baffling of all...

But why not?
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